When we receive your call, we can explain defenses to get your case dismissed before trial -- defenses that you may not even be aware of.                             Experience gained in thousands of cases.                        There is no substitute for experience!


Aggressive Peace Order Lawyer
Experienced Representation
Bruce Lamb, Attorney at Law
B.S., MLA., PhD, J.D.

"Our objective is to get your case dismissed!"
Upon receipt of your call we can explain defenses you may not be aware of.
443 - 902 - 1962   24/7

Client Comments

The result you obtained exceeded my expectations in that you got my case dismissed before I was required to take the witness stand and testify.~~W. B.

Many thanks for getting my Anne Arundel County Peace Order dismissed after a hard fought trial. ~~W.E.

Bruce Lamb did legal research, drafted and filed, a pre-trial law motion that caused the case to be dismissed "before" the trial. His representation was outstanding in every way. ~~J.N.

Bruce Lamb is the lawyer you need to take to court with you in any peace order case.   He aggressively cross examined the witness which convinced the court to deny the peace order. ~~A.N.

When you call we can explain legal defenses you may not be aware of to get your case dismissed.   If you are served with a peace order or protective order, the person that has charged you has gone to court and provided testimony to a judge or other court official that you have engaged in some kind of prohibited conduct.   In the event a peace order is entered on your record, it becomes a permanent record that can not be expunged.   Because a permanent record can affect you with issues such as employment, applications for certain benefits and situations beyond the person that charged you, your objective should be to connect with legal authorities that can give you the best chance to get your case dismissed, either prior to, or at your trial.

As the burden now shifts for you to provide a specific legal defense which is often embedded in specific higher court cases that a trial court must follow, you should position yourself to target the best opportunity to prevent a permanent order from being entered on your permanent record.   If we accept of your case, we will harvest information from you, and time permitting may file authoritative documents to attempt to have your case dismissed, prior to, or at trial.

Many cases that have a high potential for success are lost because the correct specific legal authorities were not set out in the documents filed with the court or successfully argued to the court.

Maryland Peace Orders

Frequently Asked Questions
How do you fight a peace order in Maryland?

Can I appeal a peace order? Yes, a peace order may be appealed to the Circuit Court in the county of the District Court that issued the judgment. The appeal will be heard -de novo - which means Petitioner must present their case all over again to the Circuit Court.

If the court issues a final peace or protective order, how long does it stay on your record? If you contest either one and lose, the record of the entry of order stays forever.

Does a peace order go on your record in Maryland?

It is worth noting that a peace order doesn't go on a criminal record, because it is handled in civil court. However, many who petition for a peace order in Maryland do press criminal charges for one of the above-mentioned acts.

How long does a peace order stay on your record in Maryland?

If the court issues a final peace or protective order, how long does it stay on your record? If you contest either one and lose, the record of the entry of order stays forever.

What is peace protection?

Peace and Protective Orders are civil orders issued by a judge that order one person to refrain from committing certain acts against others. The relationship between the respondent, person alleged to have committed the prohibited act, and the petitioner person seeking protection), determines the petition to be filed.

How much does a protective order cost in Maryland?

Nothing. There is no fee to file for (or to serve) a protective order

What happens at a peace order hearing in Maryland?

A peace order hearing is public. That means other people will be in the courtroom. The judge will ask whether you want to agree, or consent, to the order. If you agree or consent, there won't be a trial with evidence or testimony.

Who has the burden of proof in a peace order in Maryland?

As the person seeking relief, you hold the burden of proof by “preponderance of the evidence,” to show more likely than not that the abuse occurred and you are eligible for relief.

What does peace in order mean?

Under a Peace Order, a Judge may order an individual to stop from threatening or committing an act, end all contact, stay away from the victim's home, place of employment or school. The Judge may also order the parties to participate in joint or individual counseling and/or joint mediation.

What is peace protection?

Peace and Protective Orders are civil orders issued by a judge that order one person to refrain from committing certain acts against others. The relationship between the respondent (person alleged to have committed the prohibited act) and the petitioner (person seeking protection) determines the petition to be filed. How do you fight a peace order in Maryland?

Can I appeal a peace order? Yes, a peace order may be appealed to the Circuit Court in the county of the District Court that issued the judgment. The appeal will be heard -de novo - which means Petitioner must present their case all over again to the Circuit Court.

Search for: What is peace protection?

How do you shield a peace order in Maryland?

You can obtain a Request to Shield Peace Order or Protective Order from the court in-person or online. You will need the form specific to your case – peace order or protective order, dismissed or consented to.

How do I change a peace order in Maryland?

For the order to be modified or extended in Maryland, the petitioner must file a request in writing that explains the reason for the order to be changed or extended. The court schedules a hearing and sends notice to both parties to come to court to be heard on the issue. Does a peace order go on your record in Maryland?

It is worth noting that a peace order does not go on a criminal record, because it is handled in civil court. However, many who petition for a peace order in Maryland do press criminal charges for one of the above-mentioned acts.

What is peace protection?

Peace and Protective Orders are civil orders issued by a judge that order one person to stop from committing certain acts against others. The relationship between the respondent, person alleged to have committed the prohibited act, and the petitioner (person seeking protection) determines the petition to be filed.

Helpful Legal Terms

Invoke the Rule - move to exclude witnesses except parties from the courtoom during testimony.

Notice - formal notification of place and time of a hearing.

Justiciable - capable of being decided by a court.

Consent Judgment - judgment whose terms are submitted to the court for its approval and sanction and agreed on by the parties.

Jury Trial - trial in which judge decides the law, while the facts are determined by jury peace order in Maryland

Judgment Notwithstanding the Verdict – A judgment notwithstanding the verdict may only br rendered after a motion for a directed verdict.

How long does a peace order stay on your public record?

If the court issues a final peace or protective order, how long does it stay on your record? If you contest either one and lose, the record of the entry of order can stay forever.

What does a peace order do?

Peace orders exist to provide legal protection to those who are victims of abusive conduct but who are not eligible to file for a protective order.

What does it mean to consent to a peace order?

Consenting to an Order Comes With Consequences

Someone who requests a temporary order against you is almost certain to receive a final order against you. If you have not gone to court yet, be advised that when you arrive, you'll be asked to make certain decisions

How long is a restraining order good for? A temporary order aims to protect an individual until there is a subsequent or final hearing. Typically these orders last from several days to several weeks but may last longer depending on the next hearings' date. A permanent restraining order is much longer-term, usually a number of months, and sometimes can last indefinitely.

What if someone lies to get a restraining order?

Yes, even if your spouse lied his or her way into getting a protective order against you, it is your responsibility to submiot proff to the contrary.

Opening Statement - first statement made by attorneys for each side, outlining out the facts each will try to prove during the trial.

Opinion - a judge’s written explanation of the majority of judges or of the court. A dissenting opinion opposes the majority opinion because of the reasoning and or the principles of law on which the decision, and a concurring opinion agrees with the result but not with the reasoning.

Jurisprudence - study of the theory of the legal system and of the law.

How to drop a peace order in Maryland. Always seek the advice of a lawyer before proceeding to court, because the requirements for a peace order are complex and not always obvious. For example, the standard for a temporary peace order is a very low one -- a reasonable expectation that harm may come to the person seeking the order, but when the temporary order expires and a permanent order becomes necessary, the standard of proof becomes a "preponderance of the evidence," meaning a 51% probability.

peace orders and protective orders -- court orders to one person to refrain from contact with another.

how to rescind a peace order in Maryland -- you can move the court to cancel a peace order, but you should not attempt such an action without the professional advice of a lawyer.

Abuse of protective order process. Ex-spouses, disgruntled employees and vengeful neighbors will sometimes take out a protective order out of spite. Although the conditions of a protective order/peace order are not usually onerous -- basically to stay away the petitioner -- many people feel aggrieved by the recording of their names as abusers and do not want their good names dragged through the mud. If you simply ignore the procedure and do nothing -- as you have a right to do -- then an order will most likely be issued against you. To prevent this from happening, you need to consult with a lawyer and attend all hearings.

How long do protective orders last? Protective orders entered pursuant to the statute will expire at the end of a fixed period, and this period may not exceed one year. There are no exceptions to this rule. Your only remedy after the one-year period is to request renewal of your order for another year.

harassment as a ground for a peace order -- harassment is one of nine grounds for a peace order. Mote that a single telephone call is not harassment; harassment means a continued course of offensive or threatening communication.

Maryland judicial case search -- computerized data base listing complaints and charges brought against any individual.

restraining order - a judicial command to a person to stay away from another person .

Who is entitled to a peace order? Any adult may file for protection. Parents and guardians of children and vulnerable adults may file on behalf of those persons.

Offense - violation of a municipal ordinance or state statute.

how to file a peace order - you should not attempt to file a peace order on your own but should hire the services of an attorney

Jury - panel of citizens chosen, in Maryland, from the motor-voter roll and sworn to question into and declare a verdict on matters of fact. There are numerous triggers for domestic violence, and divorce is a major one. In fact, the danger of serious violence against another can be initiated when a person acts on a decision to leave an abusive relationship.

Maryland is one of the many states that has abolished fault as a basis for obtaining a divorce. The only thing you have to establish is that the marriage is irreparably broken. Because Maryland divorce cases are no-fault, it is not necessary to allege grounds for a divorce so allegations of domestic violence will not influence the judge regarding the decision to terminate marital status. However, allegations of violence and fault can factor into decisions involving custody proceedings, child visitation, child support, alimony, and the equitable distribution of property.

With respect to child custody disputes, courts may prevent parents with a known history of domestic violence from exercising significant parenting time or even engaging in unsupervised visitation with their children. Maryland courts will look to put the safety and well-being of the child first, often limiting the rights of the abusive parent. They also will try to protect the abused spouse, co-parent, or unmarried significant other from further violence.

Although the safety of the domestic violence victim and his or her children is the most important reason to take action, such as filing for divorce and/or seeking restraining orders,

Other Interesting Articles

Domestic Violence Injunctions

Domestic Violence in Maryland

There are a number of Maryland peace order and protective order cases that anyone facing a peace order charge should be aware of:

Juror Disqualified - Juror excused from a trial.

Judgment on the Pleadings – Judgment based on the pleadings alone. It is issued when there is no dispute as to the facts of the case and one individual is entitled to a judgment as a matter of law. . A concurring opinion agrees with the decision of the court but offers different reasoning. A per curiam opinion is an unsigned opinion of the court.

Joinder – combination of charges or defendants on the same complaint. When a criminal act is committed by two persons both may be charged on one complaint. Joinder also applies in legal cases, where parties and what is a peace order, claims may be joined in one complaint with the court.

Jurat - is a certificate of an officer or other person who administered an oath.

Nuisance –Unreasonable, unreasonable, or unlawful use of one’s property that annoys, disturbs, or inconveniences another in the use of his or her property.

Nunc Pro Tunc – A retroactive order.

A restraining order which can also be refered to as a protective order is a type of court order which that can protect someone from being physically or sexually threatened, abused, harassed or stalked. The person getting the restraining order is called the “protected person.” The person the restraining order is against is the “restrained person.” Frequently restraining orders include different other protected persons such as like family or household members of the protected person. What does a restraining order do?

In general restraining orders can include:

Personal conduct orders which are types of orders to stop specific acts against everyone named in the restraining order as the person to be protected protected person. Some of the things that the restrained person can be ordered to stop are:

Contacting, calling, or sending any messages




Attacking, striking, or battering;

Disturbing the peace of the class of protected people.

Keep away orders -- These are the types of orders to keep the restrained person a certain distance away from the person to be protected

The protected person or persons;

Where the protected person lives;

His or her vehicle;

Victim's place or work or school

Other important places where he or she goes.

Residence exclusion orders -- orders telling the restrained person to move out from where the protected person lives and to take only clothing and personal belongings until the court hearing. These orders can only be asked for in domestic violence or elder or dependent adult abuse restraining order cases.

For the person to be restrained, having a restraining order against him or her can have very serious consequences:

He or she will not be able to go to certain places or to do certain things.

Protective orders usually prohibit one family member from contacting, or getting near, one or more other family members. For instance, a protective order may prevent an abusing spouse from coming within 500 feet of the abused spouse, or within 500 feet of the children. If a geographic restriction is included in a protective order, the protective order's circle of prohibition (the area where the person who is the subject of the Order cannot go) moves with the person (or people) protected. Thus, a spouse with a protective order can have a 500 foot circle around them that their spouse cannot enter, no matter where he/she goes.

Protective orders usually have additional terms, including a general order not to commit acts of family violence.

Protective orders are big deals – and create what is really a new criminal law that applies to one person, the subject of the order. Violations can subject a person to contempt of court, but, far more important, violations are a criminal offense. Indeed, a protective order will contain language addressed to law enforcement officials, telling them to take violating offenders into custody. Here in Maryland, law enforcement officials can generally be counted on to do exactly that.

Both husbands and wives can apply for a protective order. More protective orders are issued against men than against women.

Because protective orders restrain people's liberty – by limiting where they can go, who they can call, who they can talk to, etc. - they are rare, and a person asking for them has to meet a high standard.

First, no one can get a protective order in Maryland just on the suspicion, belief, or fear that family violence may occur. Rather, the person who is the to be object of a protective order must have already committed one or more acts of family violence and the person asking for a protective order must be able to prove it. However, the evidence that can prove family violence can be the victim's testimony, or the testimony of a witness.

The more evidence a party asking for a protective order has, the better chance of getting the protective order. Going to a doctor or hospital, after a prior assault, for instance, is good evidence that family violence has occurred. Similarly, a criminal arrest is helpful, but is not required.

Joint and Several Liability - is a legal doctrine that makes each of the parties who are responsible for an injury liable for all the damages awarded in a lawsuit if the other responsible parties cannot pay.

Jury Array - the whole body of potential jurors summoned to court from which the jury will be selected.

Non-jury trial - a case tried before a judge.

No Probable Cause – finding that there are no reasonable articulately grounds for a stop or an arrest.

Offer – is an expression of willingness to enter into a bargain that is definite and certain in its terms and that is communicated to the party called the offeree. Once accepted, the offer is transformed into a contractual obligation. The law recognizes that a person who has engaged in family violence in the past is more likely to do so again, as compared to a person who has never done so. But, the past is not a guarantee of future behavior. A person asking for a protective order has to show past family violence, and show the court that family violence is likely to occur in the future.

Once a Court grants a protective order, the person who is the object of the Order must be served with it – a requirement that is on top of the requirement to serve them with a divorce lawsuit.

Both protective orders and peace orders are available from the Maryland courts. Both restrict the liberty of the people they reach. However, protective orders are far more restrictive, and have far greater consequences in the event of a violation.

Peace Orders in Maryland

The person who is the object of a protective Order will then have an opportunity to argue that there is no justification for the Order. The Court will then decide whether to extend the Order, such as for the length of a divorce proceeding. Eventually, the Court will decide how long the protective order should last, or whether it should last. No protective order can last for more than two years.

While peace orders in Maryland are serious matters and are usually taken very seriously they are a type of order that is granted by the court.,

Peace orders are useful as they frequently stop people and because they lead to better police responses. No one should consider themselves completely safe because they succeeded in their efforts to get a Protective Order.

Protective orders are governed by the Statute of Domestic Violence . The Statute was created to raise awareness of domestic violence as a serious crime against the individual and society, and to provide more protection to victims of domestic violence by issuing court orders prohibiting abuse and prosecution abusers.

The information provided below is not intended to be taken as legal advice and is only intended to answer general questions on the Status of Maryland Domestic Violence and explain the role of the Board of the Circuit Court Domestic Relations in obtaining protection orders.

If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence we suggest that you seek legal advice.

It may affect his or her ability to see his or her children.

He or she might have to move out of his or her home.

He or she may generally not be able to own a gun and he or she will have to turn in or sell any guns they have now and not be able to purchase a gun while the restraining order is in force. It may affect certain immigration status if he or she is trying to get a green card or a visa.

If the restrained person violates breaks the restraining order that person can be incarcerated, pay a fine, or both.

Irrevocable Trust - A trust that, once it is set up A grantor may not revoke.

Jury Polling - The procedure by which each individual juror is asked to affirm his or her verdict in open court at the conclusion of a trial. net grounds exist to hold the suspect that was arrested.

The purpose of a protective order is to protect the well being, life, and from physical damages,of people who have been the victims of family violence. Battered spouses or emotionally abused spouses can may apply for these types of orders. Also the parents of abused children can apply for them. To be protected by law a victim of abuse should have a family or household relationship with the person he or she is abusing.

Under the statute of the following persons are considered family or household members:

related by current or past marriage or by blood. Immediate family members, parents, children, grandparents and grandchildren are covered/

parties who share or formerly shared a common dwelling that is not required of a romantic relationship, such as roommates

parties who have or allegedly have a child in common

parties who share or allegedly share a blood relationship through a child including step parents.

the parties have or have had a dating or engagement relationship

a disabled person and his personal assistant or carer

parties who share or formerly shared a common dwelling that is not required of a romantic relationship

The following people may be included in the protective order that protected persons:

any minor child or dependent adult in petitioner's care;

persons employed at the residence

employees of a domestic violence program in which a protected person resides .

anyone living in the home of the applicant;

A petition for a peace order can be heard as its own separate procedure if no other case is pending. If you have another civil dissolution , marital / civil union affiliation, or child support case or criminal matters pending , generally the protection order shall be heard with your pending case.

If filing a protective order in connection with a pending civil case , then you should file in court where your case is pending pending . The State Prosecutor is responsible for filing. The names of people filing for a protection order is in connection with a criminal prosecution. Any independent protection order may be filed in any of the suburban palaces of justice.who file for peace or protective orders will be removed from and no longer included in online Maryland court records, a move that victims’ rights advocates support.

They say it will protect the privacy of petitioners who are often victims.

Maryland peace order expungement: if a peace order is denied, the person charged may delete the records of the proceeding Maryland peace order form may be obtained from any courthouse

Maryland peace order statute is given in the Annotated Code of Maryland

Maryland peace order shielding: on a consent by the person charged, the peace order may be shielded from public view, although it will still remain in force

peace order defendant is the person charged in the peace order

peace order violation occurs when the defendant fails to abide by the conditions of the peace order

harassment restraining order Maryland if a peace order is sought only for the purpose of harassing the person charged, the person charged may have legal recourse

These are people who have already been victims of crime, and we should not revictimize them by exposing them to the public, executive director of the Maryland Crime Victims' Resource Center.

The Maryland courts will be using several computer programs to remove parties names from all online filings in certain Maryland peace order cases.

The reason is that there been a lot of victim's whose privacy and safety may have been subject to retaliation.

Many people ask how to get a peace order. The process starts with going to the court where peace orders are processed. A peace order petition is a very specialized proceeding as it has to conform to the Maryland peace order case law.

Summary Judgment - Judgment given on the basis of pleadings, affidavits, and exhibits presented for the record without any need for a trial. As with Judgment on

Helpful Legal Terms

Clemency - Act of humaneness or prayer by the chair or controller of a tell to naturalness the consequences of a malefactor act, assertion, or conviction.

Closing Evidence - The movement statement, by discuss, to the functionary or commission after all parties score finished their intro of evidence.

Codicil - Matter to a gift.

Release - Action from guardianship.

Unlawful detain er mechanism A lawsuit brought by a landlord against a payer to expel the tenant from property commodity - ordinarily for default of proceeds.

Rendition - Learning of a criminal from the hospital land to the stringent land.

Replevin - A statutory mechanism for the exploit of a cacoethes that has been wrongfully condemned. sworn. Evidence indicating that a defendant did send the evildoing.

Indictment The formal calculate issued by a piano jury stating that there is sufficiency evidence that the suspect committed the crime to free having a visitation; it is utilised primarily for felonies. See also content.

Undue misfortune The most widely utilised try for evaluating unreasonable misfortune in the dischargeability of a examinee word includes troika conditions: 1 the debtor cannot have - based on topical income and expenses - a smallest reference of experience if forced to act the loans; 2 there are indications that the province of concern is likely to uphold for a monumental relation of the defrayal point; and 3 the debtor prefab genuine faith efforts to act the loans.

Home confinement A special information a court imposes that requires a human to remain at lodging omit for fated authorised activities much as product and medical appointments. National confinement what is a peace ordering may include the use of electronic monitoring equipment - a set related to the wrist or the ankle - to aid ensure that the cause stays at home as required.

Impeachment The operation of calling a attestant's testimony into dubiety. For representation, if the professional can direct that the speaker may individual fictional portions of his instrument, the looker is said to be It is also called the constitutional process whereby the Refuge of Representatives may criminate accuse of misdemeanor peaky officers of the northerner governing, who are then reliable by the Senate.

In camera In semiprivate.

Inculpatory evidence: evidence tending to prove guilt.

Tort A civil, not criminal, wrong. A negligent or intentional what is a peace order injury against a person or property, with the exception of breach of contract.

Transfer Any mode or means by which a debtor disposes of or parts with his/her property. Maryland peace order attorney

Transcript A written, word-for-word record of what was said, either in a proceeding such as a trial, or during some other formal conversation, such as a hearing or oral deposition.

Co-Defendants - Several persons arrested and charged on the same criminal incident. Maryland peace order lawyer

Comparative Negligence - A legal doctrine by which acts of the opposing parties in a tort case are compared to determine the liability of each individual, making each liable only for his her percentage of fault.

where to file a peace order in Maryland - the place to file a Maryland peace order is any court house of any county in the State.

Maryland peace order form should be reviewed by a peace order lawyer prior to signing it and filing it with the court.

Maryland peace order appeals can be very time consuming and expenisve

Maryland annotated code sets forth the standard by which a judge will grant a peace order

how do you file a restraining order in Maryland

- the first step is to determine if grounds exist.

peace and protective orders have many features in common. Both kinds of order require the respondent to stay away from the petitioner, not to call or text respondent, not to trespass on respondent's property or stalk respondent and, of course, not to assault respondent.

Harassment restraining orders Maryland are designed to prevent behavior that can cause harm

How to get a restraining order in Maryland - the first step in getting a restraining order in Maryland is to associate your facts and circumstances to see if grounds exist

Where to file a peace order in Maryland? App.lication for a peace order may be filed in the District Court of any county in Maryland. On filing, the judge will ordinarily issue a temporary order "ex parte," meaning without the presence of the other party;this temporary order is ordinarily good for seven days and is folllowed by a hearing for a permanent order, contingent on service on the respondent. If the respondent, the temporary order may be re-issued, and this process may continue indefinitely.

Harassment restraining order Maryland is an informal name for a peace order.

Time limits to file.

A complaint must be filed within 30 days of an offensive action.

Oath. A petition for a protective order must be filed under oath, and there is a $1000 penalty for filing a false complaint.

There is a filing fee of $20 and a service fee of $30 to file a complaint, though the court may waive the fee for indigent petitioners.

There are nine grounds for granting a peace order in Maryland:

•Assault in any degree;

•serious bodily injury

•A threat causes you imminent bodily injury;


•Any sexual offense

•False imprisonment;


•Trespassing; or

•Malicious destruction of property.

Harassment is often misunderstood. A single telephone call or confrontation is not harassment under the law.



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The content and wording of this url does not form an attorney client relationship and no decision should be made without retaining an attorney for your situation. © Bruce Lamb, 2015